Internships at Hope House Mexico
Want to earn college credit and see the world?
Interested in learning to speak Spanish?
Would you like some hands-on experience serving on the mission field?
Perhaps our internship program is for you!
As an example, at Hope House in Mexico during the months of April to August staff interns are accepted. Each intern will spend between 2 and 20 weeks serving at Hope House, located near Guadalajara in Jalisco, Mexico. While in Mexico interns will have the opportunity to work alongside seasoned missionaries and local Mexicans, learn basic Spanish phrases, build relationships with boys and children's home staff, experience Mexico's rich culture and help relieve the everyday work load at Hope House. In addition staff interns will learn about their strengths and weaknesses, develop a personal mission statement and study the history of missions as it relates to the underprivileged.
Each intern will participate in a program which is individually tailored to blend their skills with the needs of Hope House. Under the mentorship of a seasoned missionary, interns' time of service will include portions of research, training and practical hands-on experience. While serving at Hope House interns will experience first hand the joys, sorrow, elation and frustration which accompany this special calling.
Be assured you will be challenged and you will grow!
Over the years as interns complete their commitment of service, we have heard them say that this was the most difficult and the most rewarding thing they have ever done.
If you think you are up for the challenge, contact team support to begin your adventure of a lifetime.