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Employee Health Insurance


As every employer or employee knows, a health insurance benefit is highly desireable.  To get Hope House launched the employees chose to forgo this benefit in the interests of cost savings in caring for the boys.  This definitely comes from the heart of the entire staff.  However, the board of directors and administrative staff have deemed it necesary to provide a health insurance benefit.  In addition, the Mexican government, rightly so, has mandated that insurance be provided for all employees.  Fortunately Mexico has state sponsored insurance at a reasonable cost for a single person.  The government sponsored insurance is Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS).  This insurance essentially covers everything providing full coverage.   However, the insured are required to use IMSS facilities  Hope House employs 17 staff.  This may seem like a high number, but the home needs to be staffed 24/7 every week. Hence the boy to staff ratio, on a continuing basis, is approximately 5 boys per staff member.  But each of these 17 staff members need to be insured.  The cost estimate for all 17 staff members is $2,000 per month.  


The current operational budget of Hope House is on the order of $12,000 per month and donation receipts are typically on the order of $10,000, leaving a cash shortfall of approximately $2,000 per month.  However, through the generositiy and leniency of the staff and careful reapplication of available funds, all expenses are typically met.  However, the new need for an additional $2,000 per month for insurance makes it extremely difficult to meet all budget requirements.  Hence, we are soliciting any financial support for the insurance that we can get to alleviate the stress of attempting to stretch those precious dollars.  Any amount you are willing to provide to help in this endeavor would be appreciated more than you could imagine!

Click to go to IMSS Website

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