We have decided to begin a newsletter, to be published on a monthly basis, más o menos, informing our friends and family of what is happening at Hope House in Mexico. The newsletter will provide updates on the boys, especially the new ones, a little insight into the staff, teams, vocational training, projects and items of special interest. Many of our friends have expressed interest in what is going on. This is our answer to that.
The Boys
Several new boys joined us in the last month. We now total 22. The latest four new boys are in the top four photos. They are, in the top row left to right, Jesús Leonardo, 13, Jose de Jesús, 11, and in the bottom row left to right, Luis, 13, and Ignacio, 13.
Although schools are public, they are not free in Mexico. Depending on the grade cost can vary between $500 and $1,000 USD for uniforms and supplies. If a family cannot afford school, the child simply does not go to school. At Hope House in Mexico they are ensured an education. So when the boys receive diplomas it is a very special event.
One of the goals of Hope House in Mexico is to provide a natural home environment, something they may never have had. This includes celebration of birthdays. There is a custom in Mexico that with a birthday cake the celebrant may or may not get their face in the cake. This is called ¨mordita¨.
If future news letters we would like to introduce you to our staff so that you get a glimpse of the dedicated people who are doing their best to provided the safety, and comfort of a home on a 24-7 basis.
Hope House in Mexico scored very well on all the numerous points of a recent inspection - typically the Civil Protection inspectors INSPECT EVERYTHING! After last year's inspection we received a list of over 80 things we "urgently need to correct". This year our list of "Urgent needs" was 14. There always will be changes in the Mexican law from year to year so it is impossible to not receive a list of "urgent needs". Several agencies inspect Hope House, but no government money supports it. Complying with the requirements is always a hardship, but necessary.
As an added bonus (!), one of the new laws states that if there are any "urgent needs" - the home can be "clausarado" or closed down. This is threatened every year. BUT because Hope House in Mexico received a list of 14 "urgent needs" we were forced to close our infirmary. The infirmary was chosen at random - the 14 "urgent needs" were not directly related to the infirmary. Once the 14 points are met, the State Civil Protection workers will return to Hope House in Mexico and re-open the infirmary.
Several times per year teams come to do projects and work with the boys. The boys are very appreciative when teams come to work with them and they typically remember the names of team members if and when the team returns. Several years ago the concept of a Transition House arose. The purpose of the Transition House is to provide a place where boys, when they reach the government mandated age of 18, can go when they must leave the home. The Transition House will give them a place to live and eat as they learn to become independent.
The original concept was drawn up as a sketch as shown in the top left illustration. The building is envisioned as being two floors with the room layout as shown in the sketch. A team from Kentucky was touched by this concept and began construction of the foundation and first floor in January of this year. The photo on the upper right shows the status when they left. They returned in June to begin building the walls. The photo on the bottom left is of the team beginning wall construction with the tent above to protect it, because this is our rainy season. They provided sufficient additional funds so that construction could continue in their absence. The photo at the bottom right shows the current status of this structure, one room on the first floor almost completed.
You too can make a difference.
Even the smallest donation helps a boy have the safety, security and love
of a home environment plus the education to succeed in life.
July 2016 Happenings for Hope House in Mexico
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