Capital Projects
English, Music and Computer Training
Hope House seeks to introduce three life skills in the coming years, computer, music and ESL. We would need an instructor for each of these. Computer is a necessary skill in today's world and English, even though Spanish is the language of Mexico, it will give a decided advantage for the boys. Your gift will allow us to begin implementing quality life skills training. In the past we have had volunteers but salaried instructors would provide greater consistency. At this point we are looking to have a one hour class every week for each category. The cost of instructor is estimated to be $60 per month, or $180 for all three.
Multi-Purpose Sports Field
A sports field would provide a dedicated area for our boys to play and allow us to meet a state-mandated requirement. Currently, our boys only have a non-level dirt area to play soccer. Soccer is the major sport of Mexico. We also have an outdoor patio that is, unfortunately, inadequate by Jalisco state requirements for the number and age of our boys. The sports field will essentially consist of a concrete pad that subsequently will be marked for various outdoor sports, such as soccer, volleyball and basketball.
Security Wall
Additional security wall needed around the playground, workshop and garden areas. Half the security wall has been completed by volunteers.
Vocational Training - Gardening
For the last year several private donations have been received and volunteers have made their manual skills available to construct a center for gardening. The purpose is to use the existing facilities to give the boys vocational training in the area of gardening. The impact on these boys is significant. Not only are they learning gardening and in raising fish but they are generating food for both Hope House as well as a supply to outside consumers.
Vocational Training - Woodshop
The impact of carpentry training is huge. Not only are the boys being taught to be professional quality carpenters but they also learn a wide-ranging set of life skills. They learn basic mathematics, organization, cleanliness and other skills as part of working in the workshop. The carpentry they learn will give them marketable skills. Hope House is seeking to make the woodshop amenable to instruction as well as provide a professional instructor.
Expand Solar Electric System
The completed solar electric system has significantly reduced the monthly cost of electricity. However, there is still a residual overage because the current system is at its capacity of allowable panels. Additional panels are required to compensate for this overage, for continued facility growth and to accommodate additional boys. The cost is for additional panels and an inverter to support the additional panels.