One time special need of $850 - Electrical Wiring
One day one of the boys accidentally accessed the wiring of a light switch when the metal cover came off. This shorted out one of the circuits in the house. Fortunately the boy was unharmed. Upon trying to repair the damage, it was detemrined that the problem was much greater. A professional electircian was brought in to examine the situation. His assessment is that the wiring in the main house is totally faulty. Currently the main house is used as the primary sleeping area for the boys, the classrooms for music, computers and English, the psychiatrists office, the lounge area, and the area where the boys do homework and crafts. Hence, the impact of this outage is significant. The electrician has stated that the entire wiring needs to be replaced, but only in the main house. The circuits for the office, dining faciity, laundry and workshop are all unaffected. The estimate is as follows. It is anticipated that the material costs, primarily new wiring, will be $425. Typically in Mexico, labor costs are equivalent to material costs, or another $425 giving a total estimate of $850. It is this type of unplanned emergency that is oever and above the standard daily operations. Any amount that you are willing to donate will be greatly appreciated by everyone involved in Hope House. We need light in the house!!

The Main House

Boys on main steps of main house

Boys doing homework and crafts in lounge area of main house