October 2016 Happenings for Hope House in Mexico

Here is our monthly (más o menos) newsletter to keep our friends and family updated on what is happening at Hope House in Mexico. The newsletter will provide updates on the boys, especially the new ones, a little insight into the staff, teams, vocational training, projects and items of special interest. If you know of someone that would be interested in Hope House in Mexico updates they can subscribe at the bottom of this page.
A copy of last month's newsletter can be found here.
Our Boys
For the month of October, no new boys were added and none have left. So the total remains at 22.
However, to let you see how boys, when they are in a secure, loving and safe home environment, will be boys, here are photos of them. In the photo of the older boys, don't they always need to clown around? These are the "caballerismo" older boys. The other photo is one of the younger boys enjoying working with some clay.
Our Staff
The staff member we would like to introduce you to this week is Karlee. She is the manager of the kitchen. When she came to Hope House more than four years ago, she didn't speak Spanish and just came fresh out of a US culinary school. Since then she has mastered Spanish rapidly and was able to work through many cultural challenges, so now the kitchen operates smoothly and efficiently. She recently got married to Everardo, another staff member!
Here is a little insight into Karlee. She was asked several questions and here are her responses.
How long have been at Hope House in Mexico? - 4 years, 4 months
How did you hear about Hope House? - I came to Hope House on a short term missions trip in 2009 and fell in love with the house and the boys. After finishing my culinary arts degree, I decided to come to Hope House for a year to help in the kitchen - and well, I stayed around a lot longer
How do you like your work? - I love my job. Knowing that I am a part of these boys' lives and that I am helping a team of ladies fulfill this purpose of providing healthy, delicious meals for the boys brings me much joy. Knowing that I work alongside people with the same goal is very encouraging. I feel like I am a small piece in helping grow these boys into men,.
What is it you really like about your job? - My favorite part of my job is definitely when I arrive each morning and the boys are happy to see me! They want to make special food request or even learn some words in English. I love that they can talk to me and that they treat me with respect..
What do you do in your spare time and days off? - In my free time I spend time with my husband and hang out with friends and my little sisters. We like to play cards, watch movies and have company over to our home. I love to cook and am learning to love to bake. I enjoy going out for coffee with my husband and jamming to music in the car with my little sisters.
Long and Short Term Interns
You, too, can have the same experience that Karlee has had. In the past, interns have come to Hope House to teach English, work in the workshop or simply help transporting the boys to the various places they need to go. Volunteering in this manner goes a long way in helping give the boys a secure, loving and safe home. If you would like to participate on a short or long term basis contact Kina at this link.
Speaking of Staff
We have a very special request. As you know, our staff go beyond the extra mile to give the boys a safe, warm and secure home. Each year we show our respect with a Christmas bonus, over and above the legally required vacation pay. Because of the nature of Hope House the staff are never together to be able to take a group photo, which we were hoping we could include in this newsletter so that you can see who they are. For the total staff, the bonus amounts to approximately $3,500. If you would like to help out in this cause you can help by going to this link.
Ohio Team Visit
Faith Family Church (FFC) from Wilmington, Ohio (where Karlee, our featured staff member this month, is from) came to help paint the Hope House and spend time with the boys. Although the outside of Hope House has been painted many times, the inside hadn't been painted in years. All the main house was painted white, and the youth members did a special mural in the little boys' bedroom. They did devotionals with the boys, sharing about the Fruit of the Spirit.
Second day of the team visit, first official day of devotions, loving on the boys, and kicking off our work projects.
Typical day: The boys of Faith Family Church (FFC) led the Hope House boys in devotions, continued with work projects, played "Hope House versus FFC" fútbol, and Blake was challenged by one of the local critters.
The first photo is of Emma (she is Karlee's sister, btw) with one of the boys. She has grown to love and be loved by them all. The next photo is of one of the adults of the team beginning to paint the house inside. The picture of the person behind the pulpit is Pastor Shane of FFC, bringing the word to Church of the Holy Spirit on Sunday morning, with Raul, pastor of the church, translating. The last picture is of the team working crafts with the boys.
The last day of a team visit is typically the hardest day of the week. Saying goodbye. This week has been life changing for the boys and the team. Everyone left so thankful for the privilege to serve and love on these boys. As the team leader said "I am so proud of my team's work and hearts this weeks"
If you have a team that would enjoy the same experience as FFC, contact Kina at this link.
Sponsor a Child Program
Hope House has a program available for donors who would enjoy supporting a particular boy. In this program a specific boy would be assigned to you. When you sign up, a boy will be assigned to you. The specific information on boys is retained by Hope House and, therefore, the management of Hope House will need to be contacted to make this connection. More information on how this program works, and how you can be part of it can be obtained by contacting Kina here.
You too can make a difference.
Even the smallest donation helps a boy have the safety, security and love
of a home environment plus the education to succeed in life

Here is the silhouette of our boy waiting to be supported. Again, the unfilled portion of the silhouette depicts a shortfall in operational funds. The lighter colored area shows that we received a few relatively large one time donations recently. But after this month, those funds will be gone. The solid color has increased slightly because some recurring donations were received. What we need are more recurring donations, to replace the one time donations that were received in September. Even the smallest donation will help make the boy whole. This illustration will continue to appear each month as it is updated with the received donations. This month the shortfall is a little more than $2,000, because of the welcome one time donations, but normally remains just around $4,000 less then budget, including the currently received recurring donations. Remember, this a $4,000 shortfall in our monthly operations. Your gift can make a big difference! Please consider partnering with us.
Even the smallest donation helps a boy have the safety, security and love of a home environment, plus the education to succeed in life.