November 2016 Happenings for Hope House in Mexico
Here is our monthly (más o menos) newsletter to keep our friends and family updated on what is happening at Hope House in Mexico. The newsletter will provide updates on the boys, especially the new ones, a little insight into the staff, teams, vocational training, projects and items of special interest. If you know of someone that would be interested in Hope House in Mexico updates they can subscribe at the bottom of this page.
A copy of last month's newsletter can be found here.
Our Boys
For the month of November, one new boy was added and none have left. So the total now is 23.
The new boys name is Gerardo and he is 14 years old. Here is his photo.
Our Staff
The staff member we would like to introduce you to this week is Aurora. She is one of the ladies that keeps Hope House spotless. It is because of staff like Aurora that Hope House keeps getting good marks with government inspections. She and her support are very much appreciated.
Here is a little insight into Aurora. She was asked several questions and here are her responses.
How long have been at Hope House in Mexico? - 5 months
How did you hear about Hope House? -Vicky, director general
How do you like your work? - I am very happy and content with my job
What is it you really like about your job? - I enjoy putting everything in order and in its place so I can work more efficiently
What do you do in your spare time and days off? - I usually try to catch up on my chores around my house, but I always make time to see my mom every Sunday afternoon
In November an important holiday is Thanksgiving. It is a day when people express thanks for all that God has given them. Although this is a special day, we should always be thankful.
Hope House is especially thankful for the many volunteers and donors who continually help to provide the boys with love, security, shelter and food. In addition to these basics, the boys also have the opportunity to know Jesus Christ, receive an education, and learn Gardening and Carpentry through classes provided at the facility. Art and Music are taught at other facilities in the area. This is a complete transformation for the boys given what their lives were like prior to coming to Hope House. It would be nice to have English taught again at our facility.
God has blessed us with folks like you that have given Hope House a facility beyond compare with other children's homes. There is no other children´s home in the state of Jalisco that is as equipped for Vocational Training as is Hope House. And the facilities continue to grow and are improved as people give of themselves to support this program Hope House now has the facilities to support up to 50 boys and the size of the current staff can support approximately 30 boys. The challenge is to take care of the boys on a daily basis. Currently continuing operational donations are only sufficient to support approximately 20 boys. Hope House is thankful for the funds to feed and clothe this many boys and also for donations of clothing and food from local donors and organizations.
Local Sponsor Donations
Thanks to the mayor of Ixtlahuacan who sponsored a bicycle race specifically to support Hope House. Thanks also goes to all the people who participated. The photo on the right bottom of the above montage is the bulletin announcing the race. The photo at the top left of the montage is a photo of the bicyclists receiving instructions. The other photos are of the participants. The entry fee collected from each participant was donated directly to Hope House. The donation was very much appreciated, in fact, here is a direct quote of one of the staff members "Thanks for bringing hope to those who do not have it and help us not to worry about our children."
The Club Salvajes de Ajjic also donated as part of the bicycle race. This too was greatly appreciated with the comment from a staff member "Thank you for your good heart".
Many local donors continue to give material goods thus offsetting the operational expenses. In the above montage the two top photos are of clothes that have been donated. Sometimes for a specific boy, as is the case for Jimy in the upper left. Others donated clothes for a number of boys as the boys come in all sizes. The clothes for Jimy were donated by Claudia Rosas, a teacher with the Universidad INIR in Chapala. The photos on the bottom are a set of encyclopedias donated by Instituto Jalisciense de Asistencia Social (IJAS) a government organization that inspects all not for profits in Mexico. IJAS awarded Hope House with this donation as they enjoy coming to visit. So not only do the boys get encyclopedias, but it is kudos for Hope House to be recognized in this manner by the government. The donation also included a number of first aid kits..
New Dormitory
After a long time the new dormitory above the dining facility is almost ready to be occupied. This was a tragic story of a group promising to fund the dormitory but running out of funds with only the walls and ceiling complete. Hope House then had to continue seeking new donations to finish. From the photo above, the finishing touches, like safety strips and fire extinguishers is complete.
Merry Christmas
We want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and again thank you for your loving support of Hope House with their goal of trying to keep boys off the streets and giving them a safe, warm and loving home. Without question the boys appreciate all that is being done for them. December will again be special for them as many local folks and folks from far away come to give the boys a special Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas
We would like to remind you again about honoring the staff with a Christmas Bonus. For the total staff, the government mandated bonus amounts to approximately $3,500. So Hope House has no choice but to at least meet this legal obligation. We would love to be able to do even more. If you would like to help out in this cause you can help by going to this link.
Sponsor a Child Program
Just to remind you that Hope House has a program available for donors who would enjoy supporting a particular boy. In this program a specific boy would be assigned to you. More information on how this program works, and how you can be part of it can be obtained by contacting Kina here.
Our boy silhouette remains about the same. There have been several large one time gifts and smaller but recurring gifts that keep Hope House going. Thanks again for all your support. We won't include the silhouette in this newsletter but will bring him back sometime in the future after the holiday season
You too can make a difference.
Even the smallest donation helps a boy have the safety, security and love
of a home environment plus the education to succeed in life